Faculty and students in CAPD develop and/or collaborate on several different software packages, many of which are open-source. Input from CAPD member companies helps direct and prioritizes future software contributions in the following key examples.


  • PyROS (robust optimization)
  • BARON (global optimization of NLP & MINLP)
  • DICOPT, MindtPy (MINLP)
  • LOGMIP (disjunctive programming)
  • Pyomo collaborations
    • Pyomo.DAE, Pyomo.GDP, GDPOpt)
    • PyNumero (Python-based NLP)
  • Parapint (Parallel large-scale dynamic optimization)
  • CAPRESE (Nonlinear MPC)
Four students looking at a screen and talking

Machine learning and AI

  • ALAMO (optimization-ready data-driven models)
  • Helmet, RIPE (domain-specific data-driven models)
  • OMLT (optimization with machine learning models)


  • CMOS
  • R3
  • GPU-Blast
  • SAS-Pro

Molecular design

  • MatOpt (Nanomaterials Optimization)

We would also like to acknowledge the many collaborators as part of the IDAES project.