Media Mentions
Grossmann named Foreign Academic
ChemE’s Ignacio Grossmann was selected as a Foreign Academic of the Chemical and Physical Sciences Section of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences of Spain.
Cho earns Computing & Systems Technology presentation award at AIChE
ChemE Ph.D. student Seolhee Cho received the 2nd place Computing and Systems Technology Division (CAST) Director's Student Presentation Award at the 2024 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting.
Walsh earns Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing award
ChemE Ph.D. student Megan Walsh was selected as a 2024 Student Award winner by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing (PD2M) Forum.
Faculty award winners announced
Congratulations to the 2024 faculty award winners who represent six departments across the College of Engineering. The recipients were recognized for their achievements as researchers and educators.
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