Algorithms and software for modeling, optimization, and data Science

Scatterplot showing the feasible sample in an oval shape. The y axis shows the B2 (k) while the x acis shows the B1 (k). The oval of the feasible sample, which is tilted slightly downward on the right, goes from about 1000 k to 3400 k on the y axis, and -2900 k to -1100 k on the x axis. While the graph has a key for infeasible samples and violations, none are shown.
  • Large-scale nonlinear programming
  • Optimization of DAE and PDAE systems
  • Mixed-integer programming, generalized disjunctive programming
  • Global optimization and mixed-integer nonlinear programming
  • Optimization under uncertainty (stochastic and robust)
  • Data analytics and integration of machine learning and optimization
  • High-performance scientific computing

Process synthesis, design, operations, and control

There are four separate graphs in this one image. At the top, there's a flowchart with roman numerals, and the direction of the flow is left to right. The next chart shows fresh sorbent going into an upper region, while on the bottom, flue gas goes into the lower region. These upper and low regions touch, and Co2 rich sorbent goes out. The third chart is a line graph showing the bed length by the emulsion region bicarbonate, with a sharp spike right before 5.7 mol/m2s. The fourth shows the gas flow, solid flux, boundary condition, and PDE. There are more PDEs near the boundary condition, and then they space themselves out evenly.
  • Automatic synthesis of integrated process flowsheets
  • Conceptual design using superstructure optimization
  • Process modeling and optimization
  • Optimization of operations and model-based control
  • Parameter estimation and process control
  • Design and operation of energy systems
  • Sustainable processes and circular economies
A flow chart showing how supplies go to plans to warehouses to customers and where inventory is (plans and warehouses)

Enterprise-wide optimization

  • Scheduling and planning of batch and continuous process systems
  • Distribution, logistics, and supply chain optimization
  • Resilient design and operation of critical infrastructure
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturing and R&D pipeline optimization
  • Expansion planning (e.g., grid and other critical infrastructures)

Sustainability and circular economies

  • Net-zero carbon initiatives
  • Design and optimization of sustainable systems
  • Optimization of advanced energy systems with IDAES
  • Decarbonization and hybrid energy systems
A flow chart showing the ner zero carbon alternatives. Wind sun and hyro all make fuels (electricity, h2, Nh3, green guels), and those go to houses. The graph shows how these fuels are used, with small icons for airplanes or consumer goods.

Product and materials design 

  • Design of environmentally friendly molecules and mixtures
  • Materials and molecular design
  • Optimal product, process, and platform design
  • Bioinformatics and structural biology
  • Analysis and design of metabolic networks
A diagram with four parts: metallic surfaces, nanoclusters, perovskites, and zeolites.

Research groups